Ann Howard

Ann Howard's Original Oil PaintingsI came across this artist's site earlier while doing some research. I'm impressed. I love "Stairway To Heaven"; that's just what I feel, sometimes. Are you ever truly free, no matter what you believe?Shiao-Yen's biography says she is a native of Taiwan who has lived in the US for thirteen years and you can see that in some of her work: simple, beautiful environments, evocative of a particular place and time. "Memories of Home" creates that feeling very well: a memory of a place well known, but which can now never be the same.What I find interesting is that her visual style is more reminiscent of something you might see on tapestries or fabric; something more in the style of William Morris or Laurel Burch, vivid and colourful; the surreal oil paintings have quite a bit of Laurel Burch in them. As art it's different and refreshing, though, and I like that... I'll definitely keep an eye out for her work.


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