Stand up for what you believe in
Today is Blogging Against Abuse Day. It's an initiative created by BlogCatalog asking bloggers on Thursday, September 27th to write about putting an end to an abuse they feel passionately about. The goal is to try to form the largest group of bloggers to write about an important cause on the same day, and by doing so to raise awareness to help prevent abusive situations. If you'd like to join us, please do; it's a wonderful initiative and worthy of your support.
I feel strongly about condemning all forms of abuse; physical, emotional and psychological abuse is about power, holding power over another life, denying someone the freedom to be all they can be. It's a cycle that is difficult to break; some people spend their entire lives as victims, enabling the abuse, while others grow into the behaviour and inflict it on other people. I believe we should condemn abuse wherever we see it; if we turn a blind eye, how are we really any different?
There are two causes though I feel very strongly about. The first is animal abuse. I can't describe how awful I feel when I hear a story about an animal which has been killed or maimed by humans, or when I hear about something like mulesing, or see abandoned pets crowding RSPCA shelters. One of the worst experiences I've ever had was five years ago when eight kittens were left abandoned outside our apartment. At first we didn't know they were abandoned (there were lots of stray cats in our area), so we left a cardboard box and some milk for them. A couple of hours later we heard mewling. An eight-year-old boy had destroyed the box and was kicking and kicking them again and again and again. We scared him off but three of the kittens had broken legs and bruised faces; one couldn't move at all, was just whimpering. We took them to the local vet and two had to be put down. It was just a despicable, cruel act against defenceless victims; I don't believe in evil, not in the biblical sense, but I shudder to think of what that boy might be like in 10 years time. I'll always speak out against animal abuse; I hope to adopt a pet at some stage in the next year myself and when I do, I'll be adopting one from my local shelter. It just seems like a simple thing to do, a small way to make a difference.
The other cause I wanted to mention is abuse of freedom. I believe everybody has the right to be free, the right to choose the life they want to live; perhaps that makes me naive but it's what I believe, what I feel every day. You can just look at what's happening in Burma right now to know how important it is. The raids are terrible and should be condemned by every leader in the world; likewise the continued detention of Aung San Suu Kyi is a disgrace. On a day when we're talking about abuse, I can't let the violence go by without saying something against it. And the same goes for Zimbabwe, Sudan, Congo, Tibet and countless other countries and republics where their people are not truly free or live with violence, and it's why I feel strongly about censorship in Turkey, China, Pakistan and Thailand as well. It's what Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Freedom is like life. You cannot be given life in installments. You cannot be given breath but no body, nor a heart but no blood vessels. Freedom is one thing — you have it all or you are not free."
So that's what I have to say. I think this is a wonderful initiative and I'm proud to be part of it. Alone our voices fade into the background, but perhaps together a group of committed people can be heard. We might not change the world but hopefully we'll do some good.
So I wonder what abuses you're against? Write something and let us know. ;)