Where does your country rank?

Australia Press Freedom IndexI've just been looking over Reporters Without Borders' annual survey and it has some interesting results. The Worldwide Press Freedom Index ranked Iceland at the top of the rankings, while Eritrea replaced North Korea as the worst offender. RWB also found that bloggers are coming under as much threat as traditional journalists, with more countries impeding the flow of online news and information.

Malaysia (124th), Thailand (135th), Egypt (146th) and Vietnam (162nd) were all singled out as offenders where "bloggers were arrested and news websites were closed or made inaccessible". Egypt in particular is notable for sentencing blogger Kareem Amer to four years jail for criticising the Egyptian president and Islamist control of universities. Turkey, which blocked access to Wordpress.com in August this year, ranked 101st. Pakistan ranked 154th.

Australia came 28th which isn't too bad (okay but not great). Our anti-terror laws have caused a few problems, and then there was everything with APEC. New Zealand is still way above us at 15th and the United Kingdom is 24th. The United States is 48th.

The survey caught my eye after our electoral debate on Sunday night. The National Press Club twice tried to cut Channel 9's coverage of the debate because 9 was using its "worm" to measure audience reaction. The Liberals had placed strict rules (basically a ban) on use of the worm which 9 disregarded and apparently that was enough for the National Press Club to try to take 9 off the air. They failed; 9 just switched to another feed.

I'm fed up with this election already. The coverage is everywhere and the election isn't for another 5 weeks! But it's a reminder that we can't take our freedoms for granted, not even when there's so much attention focused on the system. And a reminder that as bloggers everywhere, we have a responsibility to speak up against abuses - because there are many more people in other countries who don't have that opportunity. I wonder where your country ranks?


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