A blogday mystery
Does anyone else have a problem remembering dates? I always used to have a good memory but for some reason recently I've just been going blank. I forgot a couple of birthdays last year, was late for several appointments I shouldn't have forgotten, and the last few weeks have got into the bad habit of using the wrong date when I sign my signature.
But this has to beat all of them. My blog turned one a few days ago - and I completely forgot! I see the date every time I look at my profile but I couldn't remember. Maybe I should start doing more crosswords or sudoku or something. My poor blog deserves better.
The only reason I remembered at all was because I've had a bit of a mystery to solve over the last few days. I've been seeing a notification that my domain mapping is about to expire as it's been a year and I went to purchase the credits for the upgrade again... only there were already 10 credits in my account. For a moment I thought I'd forgotten buying them but I know I didn't; I went back through my PayPal receipts and the last time I bought anything on Wordpress was in November and that was for another domain.
So where did the credits come from? I'm still not sure. I thought it might have been a gift but wouldn't I get an email about it? Or perhaps it was a glitch and some of my old credits reappeared? That could happen but to cover the exact amount for the domain mapping? The only thing I can think of is that perhaps staff did it, but that doesn't make much sense either... anyone else have any ideas? There might be something simple I'm missing.
Anyway, the mystery made me realise it's been a year since I started this blog, so Happy Blogday! We need music. Where's Madonna's Holiday? I know it's on my iPod somewhere... ;) It really doesn't feel like a year; the community around WP is wonderful and the time's gone so quickly. If anyone's interested in the stats, so far the blog's had 10,854 views, with 145 posts, 401 comments and 3,333 spam. My most viewed post is this one; this is my favourite.
The blog's changed a lot since it started; originally it was a mix of a portfolio and a column, but now it's really a window to my thoughts on life and society... there's more of myself in it now and I never imagined receiving such wonderful feedback, meeting so many interesting people. So here's to the next year! Let's hope it's even better than the first. :)