It's So Hot...
We had an absolute scorcher today. It reached 41'C near where I live in Newcastle and it was even hotter in Sydney today apparently. Scary thing is it's not even officially summer yet.It was so hot that everyone was talking about it and I thought I'd have some fun with it on Facebook and Twitter, so I started posting some memes. People seemed to like them so I thought I'd post them here too, with some extras.Hope you like them. What's your favourite it's so hot/it's hotter than joke? ;)
- 39'C at the moment. And still climbing. Yowsers. It's #HotterThan the hottest day in Hell's hottest hotel.
- It's #HotterThan Smaug's breath roasting dwarves and hobbits.
- It's #HotterThan bacon in a frying pan
- It's #SoHot I think I just saw two trees fighting over a dog
- It's #SoHot ice creams are melting before they've been opened
- It's #SoHot all the sprinklers have gone on strike
- It's #HotterThan Justin Trudeau
- It's #HotterThan two cheerleaders at a beach volleyball game
- It's #HotterThan tickets to the new Star Wars premiere
- It's #SoHot hens are laying hard boiled eggs
- It's #SoHot Olaf is just a puddle #LetItGo
- It's #SoHot bread is turning into toast
- It's #HotterThan the hottest vindaloo
- It's #HotterThan a taco with hot sauce
- It's #HotterThan Kevin Rudd's temper
- It's #SoHot Donald Trump's hair is sitting flat
- It's #SoHot Tony Abbott's started to believe in climate change
- It's #SoHot the Transformers are turning into refrigerators
- It's #HotterThan a Jawa on Tatooine
- It's #HotterThan Rick's haircut in The Walking Dead #YepIWentThere
- It's #HotterThan a firework on New Year's Eve
- It's #SoHot the cat wants to use the pool
- It's #SoHot both taps are running hot water
- It's #SoHot the Sahara desert wants to sue for defamation
- It's #HotterThan a Vulcan going through pon farr
- It's #HotterThan getting stuck in a pair of skinny jeans
- It's #HotterThan the back of my mobile phone
- It's #SoHot Ben Carson is almost making sense
- It's #SoHot dogs are turning into hot dogs
- It's #SoHot all the hipsters are shaving off their beards #ExceptMe
- It's #HotterThan an egg frying on the sidewalk
- It's #HotterThan the thermostat will even show
- It's #HotterThan Green Arrow's chilli recipe, the one only Batman can eat
- It's #SoHot Jon Snow has stopped thinking winter is coming (and also, Jon Snow? So not dead) #NeverGiveUp
- It's #SoHot even the flies are exhausted
- It's #SoHot my face burned before I'd even left the house
- It's #HotterThan Adele's latest album
- It's #HotterThan Scarlett Johansson in The Avengers
- Actually I take that back. Nothing is #HotterThan Scarlett Johansson in The Avengers #SorryScarlett
- It's #SoHot I can't remember anything... what was I saying again?
- It's #SoHot my mirages are having mirages
- It's #SoHot I think I've started to crack up... #TooLate