An Afternoon at Fort Scratchley

Fort Scratchley canonCannon outside the fort

I went on a group photowalk around Fort Scratchily in Newcastle yesterday afternoon. I’ve not done that many group photowalks before and I enjoyed it. It was nice being with other photographers and I think other people seemed a bit more comfortable around us as well which was nice.

The weather held off for most of the time, before absolutely bucketing down. I was well and truly soaked by the time I got back. It made for some interesting and atmospheric photos though so I can’t complain too much.

Fort Scratchley is an interesting place. It sits atop Flagstaff Hill, giving good views over the Tasman Sea and the Hunter River, and was originally built in 1882 to defend against a possible Russian attack. It’s probably best known for returning fire during the shelling of Newcastle by the Japanese on June 8, 1942.

It’s a museum now and an interesting place to spend an hour or two wandering around. It also still keeps the seafaring tradition of firing a gun in tandem with a ball drop, which happens at 1pm every day and is interesting to see.

I’ll have to go back for a proper tour at some stage, hopefully when the weather is a bit better.

Most of the photos came out quite well and the overcast sky lent itself particularly well to black and white photos. I wanted to give them more of a contrasty, filmic look and I really like how they came out.

A few of the photos had rain spots on them as well but I actually quite like the effect. It reminds me a bit of the discolouration and scratches you’d get with film sometimes which I find interesting.

So that was my Sunday. Hope you had a nice weekend too. :)

Fort ScratchleyApproaching Fort Scratchley

Fort Scratchley

Looking towards Newcastle

Looking towards Newcastle

Australian flag against the clouds

Reading about history

Standing by the gun

The gun fires

People watching

Welded ammunition



Peeling paint

Rough textures

View of Newcastle

On the water

Empty barracks

Outside the barracks

Locked door


Rust texture

Anchor in black and white

Approaching tanker

Through the bushes

Fort Scratchley in black and white

Gushing rainwater in the Newcastle CBD

Photos © CJ Levinson 2016


Newcastle Photo Collage


Painterly Sunset