I’ve Started a Facebook Page
Just a quick note. I’ve just started a Facebook page for my photography and writing in case anyone would like to follow it.
I’ve mainly started it as I tend to get quite a few friend requests from people who have just found my blog and want to see more of my photos. While I’m usually happy to accept, I also get a lot of spam and I thought it would be easier to have an actual page to direct people to instead.
I also only share a fairly small selection of photos on the blog due to time and other content and I thought having an area to share some of my other photos and to tell some of the stories that go with them would be fun.
I’ll be using it to share some of my writing and poetry from time to time too, as well as thoughts on life and politics and things like that.
So it’s really a bit of an extension of this blog, just with more random content.
If you’d be interested in following, you can follow it here or by clicking on the badge below. Will have a new blog post finished later tonight as well. :)