Ghosts on the Sand
Wet feetChildish laughterFootprints in the sand:Memories to cherish
I took this shot at Nobby's Beach in Newcastle earlier this afternoon. It was a bit of a tricky shot as while I liked the way the light was falling on the headland and how it contrasted with the water and the rocks, there was an ugly wire fence in the way and none of the compositions I tried seemed to work very well.
I finally managed to find this composition by pushing the camera through a small space in the fence and just as I was ready to take the shot, a couple of children wandered into the bottom left of the frame. They had lots of fun running up to the water and jumping in, then squealing and rushing back the other way as the tide suddenly came back in.
I thought I'd try to capture some of that in the photo so I set up for a longer exposure. This was the result, I really like it... the motion blur's almost made them look like ghosts playing on the sand. It captures the scene quite nicely.
Photo and haiqua © CJ Levinson 2018